There is a peak in electronic invoicing all around the world. In Europe, there are many public administrations and private sector companies that only accept digital invoices. And, without a doubt, Italy is the most advanced country on this matter.
From January 1st 2019, electronic invoices will be obligatory for the public and private sector. The Legge di Bilancio 2018 law will enforce all Italian companies to adapt and prepare their invoicing systems to exchange electronic invoices. Italy has launched this new European legislative initiative to fight against tax evasion and fraud. The initiative has Europe’s authorisation until 2021. By then, Italy will have demonstrated if this initiative works against tax evasion and the EU will have to decide if they keep applying it or not.
This new law represents a huge change for companies. Many companies will have to initiate themselves into electronic invoicing and others will have to adapt their procedures to the new legal requirements. From a technical point of view, all electronic invoices will have to go via SdI (Sistema di Intercambio) and have the XML format as per the Agenzia delle Entrate.
New legislation, new opportunities
This legislative change can be a nightmare or become the greatest opportunity for companies to easily digitalise and automate their billing processes.
Voxel Group is ready to face this new legislation. With baVel eBilling, you can not only obey this new legislation, but also digitalise and automate all billing process and issue and receive invoices from all your clients and suppliers. All via the same platform and choosing the format that betters suits your business.
In addition, baVel connects you directly with more than 50,000 travel companies that are already working on our network. Do you want to know what Voxel could do for your business? Find out how to digitalise and automate your eBilling with baVel.
If you would like to get in touch to explain your case, you can send an email at [email protected].