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    In the food & hospitality industry, precision and efficiency in invoice management are crucial to maintaining financial control and ensuring the correct reconciliation of orders and delivery notes. However, many companies still face the challenge of manually processing invoices in PDF format that they receive via email from non-integrated suppliers. This is where our innovative solution, Voxel’s PDF Billing, comes into play.

    Voxel’s PDF Billing is specifically designed for the food & hospitality industry and facilitates the digitization of invoices from suppliers who cannot be directly integrated into the ERP. Thanks to the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), we have revolutionized the invoice digitization and integration process, enabling the digitization of 100% of received invoices.

    With this solution, we achieve automated and efficient invoice processing, allowing companies to digitize all the invoices they receive, regardless of their origin or format, and overcoming the limitations of traditional OCR systems.

    The AI revolution in invoice processing

    Our AI solution goes further than conventional OCR systems, which are limited to interpreting basic elements like headers and totals. Voxel’s PDF Billing is capable of understanding and interpreting the full context of the invoice, breaking down and processing crucial details such as product descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and transaction dates. This level of detail is essential for the correct reconciliation of orders and delivery notes, ensuring that each invoice is processed with precision and efficiency.

    The key to our technology lies in machine learning algorithms that continuously adapt and improve with each processed invoice. This means that as a company processes more invoices through PDF Billing, the system becomes even more precise and effective, minimizing errors and reducing the need for manual intervention. Voxel’s PDF Billing is the only AI system specifically trained for the food & hospitality industry.

    Flexibility and adaptability: keys to success

    Another distinctive advantage of PDF Billing is its flexibility. Our solution is not limited by predefined parameters like traditional OCR systems, allowing it to adapt to a wide variety of invoice formats and structures, even when they vary from one supplier to another. Additionally, Voxel’s PDF Billing can process both structured PDFs and images (scanned PDFs), as long as they meet a minimum quality standard.

    For the food & hospitality industry, this adaptability is crucial. We know that each supplier may have their own invoice format, and our system is prepared to handle this diversity without compromising processing accuracy or speed.

    Receiving 100% of invoices digitally

    At Voxel, we have been digitizing the supply chain processes of thousands of companies for over 25 years. We understand the unique needs of the food & hospitality industry and have enhanced PDF Billing to meet them with maximum efficiency. Thanks to this improved technology, it is now possible to digitally receive 100% of your invoices and fully harness the potential of process automation.

    If your company is looking for a robust and flexible solution for invoice digitization and management, contact us! We will work to transform, digitize, and optimize your invoicing and purchasing process, saving time and resources.


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